Lapis Lazuli




Third Eye and Throat

Mind / Emotional Benefits

Communication, Intuition, Inner Power, Awareness, Dream Recall, Expression, Sleep, and Love

Physical Benefits

Blood Pressure, Immune System, Depression, Insominia, Vertigo, Nervous System, Throat, Thyriod, and Pain

More About Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli helps in giving relief from migraine. It improves both the respiratory nervous system. It also cures the throat and thyroid. It purifies organs, bone marrow, thymus and the immune system. It diminishes hearing loss, purifies blood, insomnia, vertigo and reduces blood pressure. Lapis lazuli lowers the effects of inflammatory diseases. One should use this stone after surgery or after any recovery from pulled muscle or ligament.
It cures a number of diseases such as endocrine system, migraine, lymph glands, ears and nasal passages. It also gives relief from pain and inflammation. Hence, it is deemed effective in autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Lapis lazuli fills relationships with love and friendship which help you to be more expressible in feelings and emotions. It overcomes the feelings of martyrdom, cruelty and suffering. If used as crystal water it will eliminate emotional baggage. Lapis lazuli convinces to control your life. It unleashes internal reality, drives mindfulness and expressiveness without any compromise. I hope you have gone through it. looking forward to hearing from you positively.